Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Let them see what you want them to believe....

Mindset. I continue to come back to the importance of mindset within school improvement. Mindset is not just a term that we should throw around haphazardly, but rather it merits us taking the time to deeply consider its impact on educational systems, structures, and practices.

I sat at a table today and had a wonderfully rich, and empowering, conversation with a very gifted administrator who has proven history in turning schools around.  Within this meeting, and later within conversation, she made a very powerful statement in terms of school culture and climate.  She said,

"Let them (students, parents, community) see what you want them to believe".

What a powerfully rich statement, with a depth that causes one to sit back and reflect on what that truly means.  I internalized that as, "Be the one that allows them to see future, hope, and destiny within themselves.  Let students look at you, and see what their future can be.  Be the example of integrity, of success, of growth mindset, of belief in the statement that ALL can succeed. Be the one that passionately, and without excuses chases after them with a mindset that says, 'I believe in matter what you do today, no matter what you say, or how you act, I believe in you and the promise of future for you, and I will not let moments impact my belief that you can succeed.'

So I challenge you today, don't let the systems and structures that have been in place for centuries that can often tie us down to "technical solutions" in education be a type of constricting force that holds you, but rather choose to "Let them (students, parents, community) see what you want them to believe".

They watch us, and how quickly they pick up on our mindset through our words, and make sure that what they see today shows them what you want them to believe about themselves.:)

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