Friday, November 21, 2014

And if we REALLY wanted to change...


In thinking about truly impacting education. I think it's about changing what school looks like---chaging it all up! 
Who ever thought that kids going to 7 different classes in a day---completely disconnected---was a smart way to learn What if we had less walls---no bells---students learning things that were connected--not only to each other, but also to the world they lie in? IMAGINE?!?!?!?
I truly believe if we want to tackle the achievement gap, and ensure learning for ALL, I mean really learning--this is the way to make it happen. I could go on and on forever about this, and I believe in my lifetime we may see this happening. This would be the beginning of real change.

I am in no way insinuating that teachers aren't doing enough. OH MY GOODNESS NO!! I think teachers are working harder than they ever have. It's about a system that doesn't necessarily fit kids any more. I welcome skepticism, I don't know if this is the answer, but my gut tells me we have GOT TO TRY!!

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